The VISP office is housed within the office of Adult, Career and Special Student Services (ACSSS). We are located in suite 7101 on the 7th floor of 21 North Park Street, on the southern end of campus.
To ensure that a VISP staff member is available when you visit, please contact VISP@dcs.wisc.edu or call (608) 263-6960 to make a virtual or in-person appointment.
ACSSS Front Desk Office Hours
Monday – Friday 8:00am-4:30pm
Monday & Wednesday 8:00am – 4:30pm
Thursday 8:00am – 12:00pm
Advising with VISP Staff
The VISP team offers in-person as well as virtual advising appointments via a number of platforms.

Please contact VISP@dcs.wisc.edu to set up a time to connect.